Academic Papers
Art Criticism Magazines
Sample Syllabus
From Softpower to Goods: Alternative Forms of Exhibitions and Populist Artistic Practices in Post-1990s East Asian Art 『소프트파워에서 굿즈까지』
Pop Art and American Society in the 1960s: Food, City, War, Race, and Car 『팝아트와 1960년대 미국사회: 음식, 도시, 전쟁, 인종, 자동차』
"Creating 'Korean' Astro Boy Atom" in Japanese Animation: Asian Perspectives edited by Masao Yokota and Tze-yue G. Hu
"Laszlo Moholy-Nagy's Participatory Projects" in
Modern Sculpture
“라즐로 모흘리나기 관객참여프로젝트” 『현대조각 읽기』, 윤난지 엮음 (서울: 한길아트)
The Korean War and Postmemory Generation: Contemporary Korean Arts and Films (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies)
Staying Alive: Surviving Tales of Today’s Curators 고동연, 신현진 (공저)
『Staying Alive: 우리시대 큐레이터 생존기』
Respond Artists!: How Artists of Our Era Lives? 응답하라 작가들
(우리 시대 미술가들은 어떻게 사는가?)
"The 1990s Retro Culture and Jungwha Choi's
Plastic Paradise" in Korean Modern Art
“1990년대 레트로 문화의 등장과 최정화의
‘플라스틱 파라다이스’, ” 『한국현대미술 읽기』, 윤난지 엮음 (서울: 눈빛)
Larry Rivers and Frank O’Hara: Reframing Male Sexualities in Art and Culture of the 1950s
『레리 리버스와 프랭크 오하라:
1950년대 미술과 문화에서 남성성을 재고찰하다.』
© 2018. Koh, Dong-Yeon